Do you have a long driveway or asphalt surface that you hate shoveling? Does black ice form causing it to be a liability? Let your worries melt away, because Heatizon has the solution! Using one of our unique radiant snow melting technologies, you can maintain a warm surface temperature, eliminating any chance of snow and ice formation. Install a snow melting system on an asphalt driveway and eliminate the need to shovel through the winter. Steep driveways, and cold conditions are no problem for our Tuff Cable Low Voltage Product or Hott-Wire Line Voltage Snow Melting Systems.
Select the right heating element:

- Consistent/Stable Heat Output
- High strength
- Three available voltages
- Easy layout & install
- Off-the-shelf snow melting
SnowMeltz comes in a variety of lengths and is a standard 24 inches wide. Available in 208/240/277 voltages and several mats can be connected to cover larger spaces. Perfect solution for quick and easy install and layout for smaller spaces.
Learn more about SnowMeltz.

- Heat output designed to ASHRAE standards
- High strength
- Voltage flexibility
- Customized layout
- Ideal for hot-pour asphalt
Hott-Wire comes as either a fixed length constant wattage MI Cable with cold leads or a cut to length self regulating cable. Hott-Wire is ideal for embedding in asphalt materials as it can withstand the heat.
Learn more about Hott-Wire.

- Heat output designed to ASHRAE standards
- High strength
- Customized layout
- Cut to length
- Highest longevity
Tuff Cable is a durable coated copper conductor that can be installed in a sand or stone dust bed under asphalt. Tuff Cable is powerful, safe, easy to repair and long lasting.
Learn more about Tuff Cable.