Electric snow melting systems like a heated driveway provide safe walking and driving surfaces without the hassle of traditional snow removal methods. If it’s concrete, asphalt, pavers, or an existing surface, Heatizon’s snow melting systems are engineered to provide long lasting solutions for any surface heating application. Custom tailored solutions without limitations, our systems are designed to the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration, and Air Conditioning Engineers Standards based on heat requirement data for local regions. We design our heating systems for quality, longevity, and warrantability.
A Heated Driveway Or Other Heated Surface Can Provide Convenience, Safety and Reliability

Did you know that our radiant heated driveway systems are maintenance free? Eliminate plowing, shoveling, icy spills, and potential damage to surfaces caused by plows and corrosive ice melt chemicals with Heatizon’s Tuff Cable or Hott-Wire radiant heating elements. Hott-Wire and Tuff Cable heating elements are ETL Listed to UL and CSA Standards for the United States and Canada.
We never set limitations on our radiant heated driveway systems by using the “one size and wattage fits all” design method that is all too often used in the electric resistance heating industry. With our design methods we ensure the highest performance and most economical system for our customers to purchase, always keeping the present and future electrical consumption costs in mind. Let us quote you first!
We have an exclusive, patented solution
for heating Pedestal Paver Systems!
We shoot for longevity and worry free reliability with our snow melting systems
Heatizon radiant snow melting systems are solid state, have no moving parts to wear out, and have nothing that requires routine maintenance. In addition, our quality electric snow melting systems are the longest lasting in the industry backed by industry leading warranties. An automated on/off temperature/moisture sensor will make your heated surface “worry free”.
Heatizon offers cost effective systems for heated surfaces
Our snow melting systems are designed to melt snow only when necessary and can be programmed to turn on automatically when snow is falling using advanced temperature and snow sensing controls. All systems are designed to ASHRAE standards using snow load data by region to give our customers the most efficient snow melting system available. We do not standardize our systems. Heatizon offers professionals, customized systems for residential, any any commercial or industrial application.
Why standardized snow melting systems are inferior to our customized snow melting systems?
- They are over designed for most regions especially for residential heated driveways
- They cause unneeded expensive operating costs and electrical service upgrades because they are usually over designed
- They can waste electricity due to over design
- They are difficult to repair since many do not use crack control joint jumpers incorporated into the design for new pour concrete applications
- There is typically minimal support for standardized systems due to lack of sales and technical training about design, operation, and installation of off the shelf one size fits all products

-Tuff Cable
– Hott-Wire
-Tuff Cable
– Hott-Wire
– SnowMeltz
-Tuff Cable
– Hott-Wire
– SnowMeltz
-Tuff Cable
– Hott-Wire
– SnowMeltz
– Hott-Wire as
Part of the complete Pedestal system