SnowMeltz Kits are a complete, ready-to-install system that comes standard with an automatic activator, jumpers and a contactor panel for large kits.

The SnowMeltz kits are designed by default to provide either 37 watts per square foot at 240 volts. Which makes them perfect for light commercial or residential applications..

Choose the Right Size

When choosing a SnowMeltz kits for your space, sizing is crucial. The SnowMeltz heating elements CANNOT be cut or shortened in any way, they are engineered to be the length they are. While the cable can be taken out of the mat to accommodate for small sub-areas, and the mesh can be cut/altered, the heating element cannot be cut or shortened. Take measurements of your space and choose a system that is the next size DOWN. Example: if the area you wish to heat is 53 square feet then choose either the 50 square foot or 45 square foot system.

Coverage by Kit Size and Breaker Size

SnowMeltz Kits
Part Number
Number of Mats x SizeCoverageCircuits Req./Ampacity
STANDARD KITS (1 Circuit, 1 or 2 mats)
SM-50W277-37W240-101×1010-15 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-151×1515-20 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-201×2020-25 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-251×2525-35 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-351×3535-40 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-401×4040-45 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-451×4545-50 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-501×5050-60 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-601×6060-70 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-751×7575-85 Square feet1/20
SM-50W277-37W240-851×8585-95 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-1001×100100-110 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-110*1×50; 1×60110-120 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-120*2×60120-130 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-1301×130130-140 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-135*1×60; 1×75135-145 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-145*1×60; 1×85145-155 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-150*2×75150-160 Square feet1/30
SM-50W277-37W240-160*1×75; 1×85160-170 Square feet1/40
SM-50W277-37W240-170*2×85170-180 Square feet1/40
SM-50W277-37W240-185*1×85; 1×100185-195 Square feet1/40
LARGE KITS (2 Circuits, 2 or more mats)
SM-50W277-37W240-2002×100200-230 Square feet2/20
SM-50W277-37W240-2202×50; 2×60220-250 Square feet2/30
SM-50W277-37W240-2404×60240-275 Square feet2/30
SM-50W277-37W240-2702×60; 2×75270-295 Square feet2/30
SM-50W277-37W240-2902×60; 2×85290-310 Square feet2/30
SM-50W277-37W240-3004×75300-330 Square feet2/30
SM-50W277-37W240-3202×75; 2×85320-345 Square feet2/40
SM-50W277-37W240-3404×85340-370 Square feet2/40
SM-50W277-37W240-3702×85; 2×100370-385 Square feet2/40
SM-50W277-37W240-3802×60; 2×130380-410 Square feet2/40
(2 or more 40 amp breakers, 4 or more mats)
SM-50W277-37W240-4102×75; 2×130410-450 Square feet2/40
SM-50W277-37W240-6153×75; 3×130615-665 Square feet3/40
SM-50W277-37W240-8204×75; 4×130820-870 Square feet4/40
SM-50W277-37W240-10408×1301040-1100 Square feet4/50

*These kits contain two SnowMeltz mats.

For size areas not listed, please contact us with the parameters and a custom kit can be designed for you. Please contact us with exact area to proceed. For areas above 1100 square feet, please contact us for some of our other radiant heating solutions.

Where to buy

SnowMeltz systems area available at several places:

  • More Heat: The complete line of SnowMeltz mats, kits and accessories are available at the best prices with different shipping speeds.
  • Amazon: Single-circuit kits complete with an automatic activator, jumper kit and SnowMeltz mat. Kits are only available as a 240 volt, 37-watt per square foot option.
  • Radiant Shop: All voltages/wattages are available to create custom kits, or purchase only the SnowMeltz mats here.
  • Distributors: Reach out to have a custom SnowMeltz system for a variety of areas, with panels, and differing variables.


Once you have chosen the correct size system, consult our complete guide for how to install the SnowMeltz system.

Need Support?

Heatizon is known for providing superior support before, during, and after installation of the SnowMeltz system. Give us a call should you have more questions.
