Concrete Suggestions

Heatizon Systems is not an asphalt, concrete or pavers expert, but we have a few suggestions that you may wish to discuss with your contractor. We make these suggestions in an effort to increase the likelihood that Heatizon Systems’ SnowMeltz® will be surrounded by products that are equal to it in both quality and expected longevity. In addition, we make these suggestions in an effort to reduce the possibility that your SnowMeltz® heating element will get damaged or broken by the vertical or horizontal movement of asphalt, concrete, or pavers.

Dry Base: Make certain that the ground below where the new asphalt, concrete or pavers will be located is as dry as possible. It is recommended that it be covered whenever there is a risk of a storm for one to two weeks prior to the pour.

Excavation: Be sure that your excavation is deep enough to accommodate the thickness of the concrete, the thickness of the insulation, the depth of the aggregate base you will have below the concrete and a 1” sand bed if you elect to install the SnowMeltz® below the concrete.

Compaction: Once the excavation is complete, it is highly recommended that a great deal of care be given to completely and properly compact the entire area where the asphalt, concrete or pavers will be located.

Drainage: In order to have proper drainage and to reduce the likelihood of vertical shifting of your asphalt, concrete, or pavers Heatizon Systems recommends that a minimum of 6 inches of high quality aggregate be laid over the entire area where the asphalt, concrete, or pavers are to be installed, plus one foot around all edges.

Reinforcement: In order to enhance the integrity of your asphalt, concrete or pavers, Heatizon Systems recommends that reinforcement be considered. Most of the time concrete can be reinforced with number 4 gauge welded wire fabric or ½ inch re-bar placed at least 2 inches from the top and bottom surfaces of the concrete.

Insulation: Insulation is a two edged sword. On the one hand, it acts as a good moisture barrier, reduces the response time of your snow melt or heating system, and saves money by reducing operating time. On the other hand, insulation does not allow the heat from the ground to get into the asphalt, concrete, or pavers.

Maximum Area: Heatizon Systems recommends that concrete be poured in square sections no larger than 9.5 feet X 9.5 feet. Pouring other geometric shapes without additional joints almost always results in cracking. Each square must always have a joint on each of its four sides.

Thickness: Heatizon Systems always recommends the following thickness be observed:

  • Concrete 5 or more inches
  • Asphalt 4 or more inches
  • Pavers 4 or less inches

Suggested Mix: Heatizon Systems recommends that a six-bag mix with fiber or steel fibers always be used when pouring concrete.

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